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Mentoring Works!

Mentoring Works Challenge

Mentors & Volunteers are crucial to the D.R.E,A.M.S. Org. mentoring program. We need Mentors to volunteer their time and expertise. It doesn't take much to give back to the community. One simple word of encouragement goes a long way!!!  If you are interested in becoming a mentor please give us a call @ 816-343-8899 or email us @


I am challenging everyone no matter your age to the "MENTORING WORKS" CHALLENGE.  Statistics have shown that our youth are dying an extremely high rate either physically or mentally.  Their souls are dead!  It is our responsibility to educate, empower and encourage our youth to live long and productive lives.  


I challenge you to take time to mentor a youth for 2 hours every day, week or month.  BREATHE LIFE INTO  OUR YOUTH'S SPIRIT!  You can impact and change someones entire course of their  life just by speaking one inspirational word.  


The Mentoring Works Challenge Sign up on Facebook become a "Fan" on our page  and sign our petition or Host A Workshop.  Take the Challenge and you will see how rewarding volunteerism can be.


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501c3 nonprofit organization donations are tax deducible

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